1128 S. Central Ave | Laurel, DE 19956
Secretarial Science
The two-year Church Secretarial Science program is designed to equip a lady to be a church secretary with strengths in business classes, the Bible, and courses designed which are peculiar to preparation for local church service.
Freshman Year - First Semester
BI 101.3 Old Testament Survey
BU 101.2 Typing 1
PT 103.2 Personal Evangelism
CE 101.2 Baptist History
GE 101.3 English Grammar
.4 Electives
16 Hours
Freshman Year - Second Semester
BI 102.3 New Testament Survey
BU 102.2 Typing 2
PT 104.3 Christian Womanhood
CE 102.2 Baptist History 2, Polity
GE 102.3 English Composition
.4 Electives
16 Hours
Sophomore Year - First Semester
BI 209.3 Doctrinal Survey 1
BI 203.3 Life of Christ
BU 201.3 Office Practice and Procedures
BI 203.2 Computer 1
GE 201.3 Public Speaking
.2 Electives
16 Hours
Sophomore Year - Second Semester
BI 210.3 Doctrinal Survey 2
BU 202.2 Secretarial Accounting
BU 204.3 Computer 2 and Lab
BU 206.2 Graphics
BU 208.3 Secretarial Seminar
CE 204.2 Christian Home
.3 Electives*
18 Hours
* If a two-hour elective is selected, and extra hour of Secretarial Seminar may be scheduled.
The Church Secretarial Science Curriculum Includes:
Bible 15
Business 23
General Education 6
Practical Theology 4
Electives 9
Total Hours 66