1128 S. Central Ave | Laurel, DE 19956
Dr. Bruce Miller

Founder and President
Dr. Bruce Miller, President, has served God since 1972 in every area of Christian service. God has used Dr. Miller to build people and to build ministries. Twenty-six of those years were spent starting, rebuilding, or assisting Bible colleges (five in the United States and four on the foreign field). Hundreds of graduates serve God around the world that he has helped to train. Hear his burden. "Nearly 90,000,000 Americans live in the Atlantic coast states from Washington D.C. to Boston. Less than 200 students are currently training in fundamental Baptist Bible colleges in that region. Over 1,200 churches a year close in the 'Gospel-needy' Northeast!" "Atlantic Coast Baptist College is situated in the growing, Delmarva Peninsula, thirty-five miles from the Atlantic Ocean and thirty eight miles from the Chesapeake Bay. The college is a tool to train men and women not only for the great foreign mission fields, but to serve in local church ministries in this region plus form church planting teams with upperclassmen and graduates to start churches in the newly constructed communities of this area!"

(L-R) Dr. George Anderson (Avondale, PA) Bible Teacher (2018-present), Dr. Wendyjo Householder (Walkertown, NC) Full Time Teacher (2017-present), Dr. Gary Gilbert (Cochranville, PA) Full Time Bible Teacher (2010-present), Dr. Bruce Miller (Laurel, DE) Founder and President (2010-present), Dr. Robert Fletcher (Accomac, VA) Bible and Education Teacher (2014-present), Bro. Gary Black (Laurel, DE) part time teacher (2021-present)
NOT PICTURED: Dr. Dennis Bellew (Missions) and Dr. Bob Parker (Bible)

A Look Back At Our History:
Staff and faculty
Faculty from 2017: (Back Row, L-R) Dr. Bruce Miller, Founder and Current President; Pastor C. K White, Former Chancellor; Mr. Joshua Fenkart, former full-time staff and teacher; Pastor Dan Hatfield, former teacher; Pastor Gary Gilbert, current teacher; (Front Row, L-R) Mrs. Kristi England, former music teacher; Mrs. Linda Marvin, former teacher; Mrs. Sarah Black, Former office Staff
Not Pictured from 2017: Miss Katie Brown, music teacher; Mr. Eugene Gherke, former music professor; Dr. Dennis Bellew, missions module professor

Robert Fletcher teaches a student in 2019.